Friday, November 7, 2014

Fahrenheit 451 short answer questions

Part 1
1. The society montag lives in is a lot like ours in many ways but is a little bit more extreme in ways like how the firefighters burn things instead of putting them out.           2. Clarisse actually thinks for her self and thinks about what is going on around her when others just watch tv and don't think about anything important.                                         3. The hound was programmed to react to montag because Beatty knew that montag was different and thought about life and books.
4. Those books where all that women had in her life and if you took those a big part of her would be lost and that's all she had to live for.
5. It shows that Mildred is so focused in on the TV that she doesn't pay attention to how loud it is or anything around her.                                                                                       6. That death is no big deal and it happens all the time and know one really cares if someone is dead or alive.                                                                                                 7. Because he is sick of the actions he has to do while at work and starts to rethink his whole life and doesn't want to be a firefighter anymore.                                                   8. It shows that montag has been collecting these books very secretly not wanting anyone to know blaming this on his hands.                                                                                   9. He says that everyone's happy and all books do is make people think making them unhappy.                                                                                                                         10. She says she's happy because that's what the world tells her and in reality her and everyone else aren't happy at all.                                                                                     11. The death of Clarisse really put him over his tipping point and said things need to change.                                                                                                                           12. 1) I don't know anything any more. 2) Montag stayed upstairs most nights when that went on. 3) Are you happy. 
13. The mans thinking. 
14. Pg.13 
15. That things are going to start going down hill for montag but things will change.               Part 2                                                                                                                                   1. The TV is made to make people not think making them happy and books all they do is make people think making them unhappy.                                                                      2. Because he saw more in montag and predicted he might break loose one day.              3. He'd say the books are more important.                                                                      4. It doesn't matter how much you put in it just keeps falling through.                             5. To find a way to copy books.                                                                                      6. It means that the part of her that thinks is dying out of her.                                        7. Quality of information, leisure to digest it, and the right to carry out actions based on what we learn.                                                                                                               8. He has made an ear piece to record Beatty and talk to montag when he goes to the firehouse.                                                                                                                       9. Children aren't necessary, don't worry let your husband worry.                                  10. He wants to change them and girls freek out.
11. Welcome back montag I hope you'll be staying with us, he knows he has books.                                                                                                 

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