Friday, November 21, 2014

Immigrants in Our Own Land

Righetti is just school to me, almost a burden in a way if it wasn't for my friends that make the time pass by faster. I feel if I didn't have to go to school I could have more time out there in the real world learning the trades of what I want to become as a farmer. But there are some good things about school, like when the time rolls around to 3 period I kind of look forward to go to English because the way dr. Preston makes it. It's different in many ways from writing on this blog to the way he talks in class making it new, different, and makes me try and want exceed more than any other class on campus.
I'd say I'm a proud native and a optimistic immigrant. For the reason is I like where I live, living here in santa Maria my whole life and enjoying what it has to offer from the farming and ranching around here to just realizing how special we really are living in a place like we do from the weather to being able to drive to the beach that some people never get to experience in a life time. But then again I like looking around and seeing opportunities for my self in work and businesse opportunities trying to make myself some one when I'm 60 can look back and say ya I did that and be proud and happy for I have become. That might be difficult in ways and I'll have to more my butt off to get there but once you've made it and are proud of that is the real goal for me in life.

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