Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chapter 5 catcher in the rye

Holden talks how on every Saturday the whole school has steak. And he talks about how horrible it was from the mashed potatoes not being mashed to the steaks being to tough to chew. The only reason the school had steak was because most of the kids parents came on Sunday and made the school sound good if they had steak the night before. After everyone finishs Holden, his friend Mal brossard, and Ackley went into town and got some hamburgers to eat since they had nothing else to do that night. So they went back to pencey and went back to there rooms Ackley going into Holden's room as he always does. Holden kicks him out and tells him he has to write stradlaters composition. He writes about his brothers baseball mit how he had all these poems written on it to read when someone wasn't up to bat. His brother died from leukemia when he was a kid. Holden finishs and talks about how he could hear Ackley snoring because he had sinus problems on top of the bad acne, slimy teeth, and crummy fingernails.

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