Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Ch 7 catcher in the rye

Holden ends up walking over into Ackley's room where he asks him if he can sleep in his room mate, elys, bed for the night. Ackley makes up all this stuff basically saying no to him but Holden lays on it anyway. After a while Holden leaves walking into the corridor deciding to leave pencey that night and getting a cheap hotel to stay at. So he goes back into his room packing his stuff up rapidly as stradlater never even wakes up. Holden goes to Frederick woodruff who he had lent his typewriter to selling it to him for twenty dollars. On the way out of the dorm building Holden yells sleep tight you morons.

Ch 6 catcher in the rye

JHolden was nervous about stradlater and Janes date thinking about all things that could go wrong. Stradlater walks in talking about how cold it was outside and Holden says nothing. He asks stradlater if he told Jane hello for him and he said yes but didn't say anything about how she keeped her kings. Holden asked what they did and he said they sat in banky's the whole night, Holden knowing that stradlater likes to hook up with girls just sex with no feelings for them, asks if they did anything and he responds saying that's a professional secret. That real made him made throwing a punch at stradlater with his bad hand missing hitting the back of his head. Stradlater jumps on Holden pinning him down with his knees but he keeps aggravating stradlater until he hits Holden right in the face making him start bleeding out of his nose letting him up. Stradlater gets a little scared telling Holden he needs to go down to the can and wash his face off from all the blood. Holden still mad just keeps talking back to him until stradlater leaves the room. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chapter 5 catcher in the rye

Holden talks how on every Saturday the whole school has steak. And he talks about how horrible it was from the mashed potatoes not being mashed to the steaks being to tough to chew. The only reason the school had steak was because most of the kids parents came on Sunday and made the school sound good if they had steak the night before. After everyone finishs Holden, his friend Mal brossard, and Ackley went into town and got some hamburgers to eat since they had nothing else to do that night. So they went back to pencey and went back to there rooms Ackley going into Holden's room as he always does. Holden kicks him out and tells him he has to write stradlaters composition. He writes about his brothers baseball mit how he had all these poems written on it to read when someone wasn't up to bat. His brother died from leukemia when he was a kid. Holden finishs and talks about how he could hear Ackley snoring because he had sinus problems on top of the bad acne, slimy teeth, and crummy fingernails.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Chapter 3 catcher in the rye

Holden leaves mr. Spencer's house talking about how much of a liar he is and how he lied to him about where he was going, to the gym to get his stuff out of his locker, just to get out of mr. Spencer's house. He talks about how he lies about things even when it's something he doesn't need to lie about. After leaving mr. Spencer's house he goes back to his dorm room while everyone is at the game except for his dorm neighbor Ackley who is a very weird character that doesn't have a very good personality. As Ackley is in Holden's room he starts messing with all of Holden and his room mate, ward stradlater, stuff. He also makes Holden very irritated by trimming his nails that are going all over the floor. Ward walks in and Ackley hates him because he ward told him to brush his teeth but not in a bad way more like a friend trying to help another friend out. And then ward take off his shirt being a little bit of a show off in a way of how much muscle he has.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Chapters one and two I think are really setting up the whole book and the way the character, Holden, is going to act through out the book as kind of a little punk that just doesn't care about anything, moving around to different schools because he gets kicked out or just leaves. Making him very nomadic and troubled in way not knowing which paths to take in life. He's also one that doesn't like help from anyone and the idea of anyone helping someone else out in any kind of way.

Music as literature

I would say of course we can consider music as literature because the only real difference of the two is that music tells a story or is trying to put out a message in more of a fun way that people can enjoy. We describe literature as written work on a specific subject like a book on how to become a farmer or anything like that. The only differance I see between all those is the way they are given to the people. One is expressed in a song, one is a book, one is a play but the one thing they all have in common is that there all trying to say something to reader/ observer.