Friday, December 12, 2014

Literature Analysis Fahrenhiet 451

1. What drew me to the book was how the class had to read it. 2. What kept me reading was having to read the book and all the action that was going in the story. 3. I'm not one that goes home or to a library looking for a new book to read, but reading this book was an assignment so it had to be done. As time went on I actual started to enjoy the book and think of it more as just reading to read instead of an assignment.

1. The plot of Fahrenheit 451 is about a man that has been living his life not knowing if he is happy and realizes this when this young girl questions it on him. And so the book is about how he thinks the way things should change for things to become a better place.
2. The authors theme is about new beginnings and the acts that have to be taken to fulfill those acts sand ideas that sets that one person over the top of the rest.
3. The tone the author has of the story is new beginnings, death, recreation, and saying how mest up the future of humanity is in the book.
4. 1. You took all the pills in your bottle last night. Pg.19 2. How long you figure before we save up enough and get the fourth wall torn out and a fourth wall TV put in? Pg. 20 3. The mechanical hound flapy but did not sleep lived but did not live. Pg. 24 4. It doesn't like or dislike. It just functions. Pg. 26 5. I'm antisocial they say. I don't mix. Pg. 29 6. I'm afraid of children my own age. They kill each other. Pg. 30 7. They all say the same thing and nobody says anything different from anyone else. Pg. 31 8. Any mans insane who thinks he can fool the government and us. Pg. 33 9. Didn't firemen prevent fires rather than stoke them up and get them going? Pg. 34 10. People ran out of houses all down the streets. Pg. 40

1. Two direct characters wound be Beatty and Mildred who never changed throughout the story. Two indirect characters would be Montag and fabor.
2. It changes and gets more descriptive in a good way depending on they are good like Clarice or bad like Beatty.
3. The protagonists being montag is dynamic and round because he changes throughout the story from a guy burning books to wanting to save everyone of them left.
4. I'd say yes meeting most of the characters in the book it seemed like when ever montag and clarisse were talking I felt I was there in there conversation.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Into to poetry

Where The Sidewalk Ends
1. The title Where The Sidewalk Ends is significant to the poem because in every stanza it says the title at least once in a different way.
2. The tone of the poem is describing how even though one might live in a city that they grew up in and want to get out of, going to a place that is cleaner like a place out in the country side away from the city and all things going on in it.
3. The mood of the poem is trying to show how a town has changed maybe from industry and factories but out past all that there is a simpler place where no of that stuff in the city exists.
4. There is a shift from describing this place out of the city to then describing what the city is like to how people have to follow rules and kind of get told what to do.
5. The theme is go to a place that you enjoy and where you'd dream to live and live there getting away from place that might tell you this is what you need to and this is how you do it.
The Place Where We Are Right
1. The title is the whole subject of the poem of a place where you are right and the title is used in it more than once.
2. The tone of the poem is one that is describing a place that is created from ideas the author or the poem has on a place that is created basted on what they want.
3. The mood of the poem is we all have ideas on how the world should be but those ideas are soon beat down by people and how they think things should be.
4. There really isn't a dramatic shit in the poem that I can pull out.
5. The theme is we all have ideas on a perfect society and the things that should change but in reality everyone has those ideas and most aren't going to agree with your ideas.