Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Vocabulary #7

1. Pratfall: a fall onto ones buttocks
2. Bewilderedly: cause someone to become perplexed and confused
3. Titillation: stimulated or excite someone
4. Theremin: an electronic musical instrument in which the tone is generated by two highfrequency oscillators.
5. Tabloids: a newspaper having pages half the size of a standard newspaper
6. Centrifuge: a machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies centrifugal force to its contents
7. Haltingly: slow and hesitant through lack of confidence
8. Probe: a blunt ended surgical instrument used for exploring a wound or part of the body
9. Stagnant: having no current or flow; showing no activity
10. Cacophony: a harsh discordant mixture of sounds

Vocabulary Candidates

1. Phychiatrist
2. Illuminated
3. Transcripted
4. Accusation
5. Bombarded
6. Pantomine
7. Condensation
8. Digests
9. Radical
10. Tabloids

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Vocabulary #6

  1. Tatters: Torn bits
  2. Merely: only, just
  3. Vast: Immense, huge
  4. Parlor: A room of house/ entry room
  5. Abruptly: Quickly and without warning
  6. Refracted: Reflected at different angles
  7. Immense: Extremely large or great in size
  8. Imperceptibly: Impossible to perceive
  9. Ventilator: A machine that pushes air through a vent
  10. Olfactory: Relating to the sense of smell

Friday, October 3, 2014


Reading the Wikipedia on Fahrenheit 451 I learned that this book was on of Bradbury's best works that he ever created. He wrote this on his concern for book burning during the McCarthy era and how people were actually burning books at that time. The book has won many awards and Bradbury was honored for his great work. The plot is in some mid west city after the 1960s.   

Its been a while

      After starting to read Fahrenheit 451 I have found that its a lot more than just a book. I found I can really connect with Montag and the story. Before getting into this book and really reading I saw that reading really isn't bad at all as long as you find a book that you can really see your self in just as dr. Preston said.