Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Fallacy examples

Appeal to tradition, "we do it like this because that’s how we’ve always done it.” Ex: 

Cum Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc, “with this because of this” – just because two things happen together doesn’t mean they’re related or one causes the other.  (e.g., just because a student attends RHS doesn’t mean she has two legs)

Straw Man: Putting words into someone’s mouth (and that someone may or may not exist) for the purpose of exaggerating or distorting the opposing viewpoint.

Ad Hominem fallacy: responding to an argument attacking a person’s character rather than the content of their argument.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Argument fallacies

1. Argumentum ad numerum, fallacy is the attempt to prove something by showing how many people think that it's true. 
2. Argumentum ad populum, the fallacy of trying to prove something by showing that the public agrees with you.   
3. Cum hoc ergo propter hoc, fallacy of mistaking correlation for causation -- i.e., thinking that because two things occur simultaneously, one must be a cause of the other. 
4. Post hoc ergo propter hoc, the fallacy of assuming that A caused B simply because A happened prior to B. 
5. Slippery slope, fallacy is an argument that says adopting one policy or taking one action will lead to a series of other policies or actions also being taken, without showing a causal connection between the advocated policy and the consequent policies

Friday, March 20, 2015

My two sources

1. Texas self defense law
2. When an officer has the right to shoot

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My five fallacies

1. Argumentum ad ignorantiam (argument to ignorance). 
2. Argumentum ad logicam (argument to logic). 
3. Argumentum ad nauseam (argument to the point of disgust; i.e., by repitition). 
4. Nature, appeal to.
5. Red herring. 
The reason I picked these was because they where the most interesting to me in a way and in the back of my mind I was think of which ones would apply to my master peice the best. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

10 arguing points

1. Death row 
3. Women's pay
4. Censorship  
5. Artificial intelligence 
6. Government transparency 
7. Animal cruelty 
8. GMO regulations 
9. Education 
10. Economy 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What Jiro means to me

Jiro to me is much more than just a guy who has a love and passion for sushi. He's really inspiring to someone like my self because I have the same love that Jiro has but instead of sushi its farming. The reason I say that is because no matter what the task is when I'm out working I want it to be done perfect. But I think that's just the mentality that not only I have but my dad and grandpa have when they do something to. So I can really relate and say if Jiro can make the best sushi in the world then I can be the best farmer, maybe not in the world but maybe one that people can respect and follow in my footsteps trying to be the best at what ever they love and want to be the best at. Therefore, whether you've found your love in something and know how I feel and can relate to someone like Jiro or not hopefully you do because it doesn't matter how young or old you are when you find that passion for something it's just something that needs to be experienced by all people.